Turkey is getting ready for a historic runoff election.

ISTANBUL: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid tribute to his executed Islamic predecessor Adnan Menderes on Saturday in an effort to rally his conservative base ahead of a historic runoff vote.

On May 14, Erdogan beat secular challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu by almost five percentage points, exceeding expectations and putting Turkiye's first election runoff on Sunday. Kilicdaroglu narrowly missed out on an outright victory.

Favorable to Kilicdaroglu activists are attempting to puncture the quality of certainty encompassing Turkiye's most memorable spillover, where not many accept Erdogan will neglect to broaden twenty years of moderate Islamic-attached rule to 2028.

Then again, Erdogan's visit to Menderes catacomb returns him to the man he referred to when he called early surveys for May 14 in a bid to facilitate his direction to a phenomenal third ten years of rule.

On the eve of the presidential election, Erdogan visits the Menderes mausoleum, as pro-Kilicdaroglu activists hope for a last-ditch effort.

Menderes was tried and executed one year after the military overthrew Turkiye in a coup in 1960 to move the country toward a more secular path, while Erdogan escaped a 2016 coup attempt.

In January, the 69-year-old told his followers that he wanted to continue Menderes' fight for religious rights and nationalist causes in the 85 million-strong officially secular nation.

In an effort to recover from his defeat and restore power to the secular party that ruled Turkiye for the majority of the 20th century, Kilicdaroglu has focused his campaign on more pressing issues. On Friday, during a late-night television interview, he made the claim that Erdogan's government blocked his mass text messages to voters in an unfair way.

"They fear us," the 74-year-old previous government employee said.

On election day, Turkiye's polls were deemed free, but observers claim they were not fair. These were cutthroat yet restricted races," the Association for Security and Collaboration in Europe political decision onlooker mission's central Michael Georg Connection said after the main round. He expressed criminalization of a few political powers, including the confinement of a few resistance lawmakers, forestalled full political pluralism, and blocked people's freedoms to run in the decisions.

Strong economic growth and warm relations with Western powers during Erdogan's first ten years in power elevated his global status and domestic support. His second started with a debasement embarrassment and before long slipped into a political crackdown and long periods of monetary unrest that impacted a significant number of the early gains.